New treatment methods at the Neuro Implant Clinic

Ear acupuncture - a new method of treating Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Multiple Sclerosis at the Neuro Implant Clinic

What is the treatment?

There are more than 330 active points in the human auricle. “Neuro implants” made of titanium are implanted under the subcutaneous covering of the auricle and act on active points in the brain through nerve endings.

This treatment method is recommended for:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Alzheimer’s disease
Why choose us

At Neuro Implant Clinic we improve the quality of life of our patients through treatment based on the implantation of small titanium needles into the auricle.

Unique highly qualified specialists with extensive scientific and practical experience are not interested in the process or duration of treatment, but in the final result. We use techniques with minimal use of medications, focusing on drug-free treatment and recovery programs.

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    Our team

    Alfredo Muñoz Gaona
    Dr. Augusto Cesar Perez Vieira
    Acupuncture Medical Specialist
    Dr. Vasilina Gutsol
    First contact with the patient, treatment, follow-up after treatment
    Dr. Katerina Lipetskaya
    Practicing Dermatologist and Venereologist
    Dr. Teresa Bastidas
    Emergency and Disaster Medical Specialist
    Yulia Salova
    Administration and Secretariat
    Victoria Stepanenko
    Clinic Director
    Irina Simonenko

    Neuro Implant Clinic is a medical institution where for more than 15 years we have been successfully applying our practices in the treatment of neuropsychological disorders and improving the quality of life of our patients.

    Watch the video and find out more.



    To date, there is no direct method to completely stop the progression of Parkinson's disease. However, early detection and proper treatment can slow down its development. Effective management of the condition includes medication, physical rehabilitation, surgical methods (if necessary), as well as a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and the support of others contribute to improving the quality of life of patients and can slow the progression of symptoms. It should be remembered that each case of Parkinson's is unique, and the approach to treatment should be individualized, developed jointly with the doctor. Read more...
    In Parkinson's disease, there are a number of important limitations that will help improve quality of life and symptom management. Medication should not be ignored, as this can lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. Avoid excessive physical activity, which can worsen the condition and increase the risk of injury. Do not ignore psychological health - seek help from a specialist at the first signs of depression or anxiety. Read more...
    Treatment of Parkinson's disease includes drug therapy, physical rehabilitation and surgical methods. Medications such as levodopa and dopamine agonists help reduce symptoms. Physical therapy, including exercises for coordination and muscle strength, is also important. In some cases, deep brain stimulation is used to improve movement control. Speech therapy and mental health support are also important. The treatment plan is developed individually under the guidance of a doctor.
    Unfortunately, a complete cure for Parkinson's disease is currently impossible. This chronic neurodegenerative disease is characterized by progressive damage to the nervous system, leading to impaired motor functions. However, there are many treatments aimed at improving the quality of life of patients and slowing the progression of symptoms. Medication therapy, physical therapy, speech and physical rehabilitation, as well as surgical techniques such as deep brain stimulation can help manage symptoms. Early detection and a comprehensive approach to treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of patients, even if a complete cure remains an unattainable goal. It is important to remember that each case of Parkinson's disease is different, and the treatment approach must be carefully coordinated with the doctor to achieve optimal results.
    Various methods are used to slow the progression of Parkinson's. First of all, this is drug therapy, which includes drugs to increase dopamine levels in the brain and improve symptoms. Another method is deep brain stimulation (DSM), in which electrodes are inserted into specific areas of the brain to stimulate neurons. Physical activity, including dance and mirror therapy, also helps slow the progression of the disease. It is important to remember about regular medical supervision and compliance with all doctor's recommendations for effective control of the disease.
    Levodopa is considered the main drug in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. It is a prodrug, turning into dopamine in the brain and helping to compensate for its deficiency. Levodopa improves motor symptoms such as trembling, stiffness and muscle weakness. However, over time, many patients begin to experience fluctuations in the response to the drug and dyskinesia, or uncontrolled movements. To improve the effectiveness of levodopa and reduce side effects, it is often combined with other drugs such as COMT inhibitors or MAO-B inhibitors. Patients may also be prescribed dopamine agonists or anticholinergic drugs, depending on the individual characteristics of the disease. It is important to remember that the treatment of Parkinson's disease should be individualized under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account the symptoms, stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient.
    Treatment of Parkinson's disease is aimed at improving the patient's quality of life and slowing the progression of the disease. It includes medication therapy, physical activity, rehabilitation and mental health support. Medications such as levodopa and dopamine agonists help compensate for dopamine deficiency in the brain by improving mobility and reducing tremors. Physical activity, including physical therapy and exercise, improves coordination and flexibility. Rehabilitation helps patients overcome everyday difficulties and maintain independence. Psychological support is important for coping with the emotional difficulties associated with the disease. Collaboration with a doctor to develop an individual treatment plan, as well as regular examination and correction of therapy depending on the patient's condition, is of key importance.
    As already described in the first part, thanks to the use of acupuncture, in particular the use of implants in cases of incurable and chronic diseases, huge opportunities open up. The action of the needles that are under the skin is constant and continuous. Evidence from patients with Parkinson's disease who have had such needles for more than 30 weeks indicates a continuous improvement in the condition of patients. In addition, positive results are observed in those suffering from headache, overweight, joint diseases, as well as high blood pressure. In total, more than 5,000 patients have undergone implantation. Alcohol and nicotine addiction, various allergies are also cured with the help of implants. If the acupuncturist acts on the correctly selected active points, then a long-term stabilization of the improvement of the patient's condition is ensured. Interestingly, there is no oversaturation effect during treatment. That is, when the energy balance is restored in the body, the "eternal needles" continue to maintain it. For example, when an overweight person's weight normalizes, then in the future the patient will not lose it.

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    Calle La Floresta 18, 46022 – Valencia, Spain
    We provide treatment in different countries. Please check with managers for the latest information. Consultations are held by appointment. Please fill in request for consultation.